Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trips to DC Zoo and week in passing

Mischa is recovering and acting himself once again. Today during dinner he ran out of the back door with one of the silliest of his looks. As upset as I was about him not minding Jeremy or me, I couldn't help but smile at him sprinting away with a funky curl in his tail and a cone head. On Friday we went to a Shar Pei doctor. They told us his eye is scarred up and he will recover from the injury. His eyelids are healing quick and we will drive back to remove sutures next Wednesday.

We ventured out to the Zoo twice last week... all I have to say is that there is a reason it is free. There are no feeders of any kind. We couldn't donate our quarters and feed, pet and make friends with ducks and geese. All animals including cows, donkeys, sheep and goats are "on special diets" and thought of as an endangered species. The zoo also lacks any kind of animal show that we love to see at a Hogle Zoo and in San Diego. Beside this disappointing fact, we got to see a few fun things.

Orangutans walked above our heads and looked down upon human kind.
Turtles and their babies swim in the pond.
Panda bears were resting whole day long and Zoo people watched them on a screen in their special room recording every breath... what a fun job ;-)
Woke up for a moment...
And sleeping again...
My camera ran out of the battery but we witnessed a cheetah eating her lunch, then stretching and coming next to us to drink some water from a pond. We also spent a bit of time at the bird house and saw a keeper feed the birds. If you know Sonia, you will know that watching birds is much more exciting than watching cheetahs.
We saw a pretty toucan and lots of whistling ducks. It all turned out fun and we are becoming accustomed to a whole "preservation" theme of this Zoological Park. NO more pictures!!!!
Sonia made people laugh in Costco last week. She pushed a fully loaded shopping cart all by herself. Some people thought the cart was moving on its own. It grew little legs, I suppose ;-)
On Thursday we went to the river to let Mischa ran free for the first time since he got bit. He looked funny with his Elizabethian collar on; because of it he coudn't see a thing and ran into trees, branches, and a highway. We called him a "Cone head" and Jeremy ran out in the middle of the road with words such as "We just paid a whole a lot of money... you are not about to get yourself under a car." We had to let him ran because he had to go. Mischa never can go on the leash and was holding everything since Monday. We are pround of him for being so potty trained and not ruining our house! Sonia chased some ducks into a river.
Today Jeremy and I gave talks in church and now I am hoping our good luck of not speaking in church for six years will continue. I made a promise after teaching RS lesson that I won't make any comments for the next two months to compensate for this Sunday ;-) However, I really enjoyed Jeremy's talk today and hope maybe he will receive a calling while we are here.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Im so glad that Micha is feeling better and is going to heal completely!

How fun to have a FREE zoo with Panda Bears. We drove all the way to San Diego Zoo only to see the Panda Bears because I had never seen one in real life. Totally worth it!