Sunday, June 14, 2009

Belle Haven with its peace and comfort

Unlike the West coast that carries past and present of Spaniards, East coast looks up to English and French: "Belle Haven's" beauty is green and subtle. It gets hot and humid but the sun is quite merciful and summer thunder rains visit often. Our church, next to Potomac river, is built in the colonial style and people are wonderful. There was one things I have been told today many times.... "Your husbands hair, hmmmm. He is not in the military!?! So what brings you here?" I think most young couples move to Belle Haven area are in the military. Older folks come from all walks of life and we even have a retired Airforce One pilot who happens to be in the bishopric and who asked us to speak in a couple of weeks.
Jeremy has been asking me to cut his hair for a while and I need to get to it because it already curls up ;-) I think it is cute. Sonia's hair was done and she felt like a princess today.
We accomplished so much in the past week including finding bigger bed that fits all three plus Sonia. Again Jeremy found an amazing deal from a super nice hotel in the area that bought king size beds and then changed their minds before even using them. They decided to get custom size beds for additional luxury. Well, we greatly benefited! They also gave us a free new luxurious feather duvet, free delivery, mattress pad and feather pillows. It is my birthday present and Jeremy's Father's Day gift. Needless to say what joy it has been to sleep once again in one bed ;-) The bedding is also great.... Martha Stewart collection on sale at Macy's! I still need to decorate windows with matching curtains and put up some pictures. Our bedroom feels cozy, like home again.


Emily said...

This makes me want to move to the East coast! We lived there when I was 10 and I miss it like crazy. Glad you guys got a bed! I cannot do the family bed thing, I have to have my space. You make it sound so cozy though.

Nadia said...

Well, it is sort of a family bed ;-) I am expecting so we couldn't all fit into a Queen but new one is great and even Sonia comes over for snuggs... she sleeps in her new bed and I will get all pictures up when I finish with her bed skirt and curtains. Baby bedding is also in the plan but we'll see when I get to it ;-)