Friday, June 12, 2009

Serious business

Right next to our Woodstone townhouses we found an apartment complex with wonderful amenity -- a pool. Sonia has been talking about going swimming since we landed in Virginia. Today was her lucky day. Jeremy was excited too and they got right down to super important activity leaving me to enjoy their successes. If you don't know, Jeremy is super qualified to teach swimming with about two decades of experience; his former jobs involved even saving a life of a fifteen year boy while on duty.
Jeremy was determined to make this activity worth his while while Sonia was having way too much fun. I loved watching both of them:
Synchronized bubble blowing was easy because Sonia practised it with her mom in the tub for more than two years.
Floating on the back was easy too because that is how we wash our hair in the tub.
Then things got a bit more complicated: doing Big Arms.
She kicked across the pool many times.And she asked papa swim about five laps. He also had to do some cool flip turning for us.
Sonia had such a good time with her papa that she is still asleep and it is now 5pm. They shared lots of laughs even though pictures indicate Jeremy's concentration and seriousness. It is so good to have papa coach Sonia this summer. I think by the time August comes and we sign up for mommy and me, Sonia will be an expert.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey! I didn't know you guys moved to Virginia! Welcome to the East coast! We drove through VA on our East Coast trip and it was always so beautiful. I hope you're enjoying it!