Friday, June 12, 2009

cooling down in DC

First couple days we, including Mischa got around in the moving truck; Jeremy spent three hectic days finding a good car for us. He found a nice 2003 automatic Hyundai for only $3500... from a wholesaler. The guy was from Afghanistan and was only making $200 on it... I love driving this little black car!!! We ventured out to see DC sights last night. First we saw WWII memorial and neglecting the warning sign at the fountain Sonia stuck her little toes into the water.
Natural history museum turned out much smaller than in New York and much less interesting than the Bean museum in Provo. They don't have fun diorama displays or story times for tots here. All animals are encased in the evolutionary displays... way too high for Sonia's eyes to see and get involved.
We found Hirshhorn sculpture garden tucked next to the National Art Gallery land and spent some time at the fountain cooling down. There also was this two-way mirror by Dan Graham that Sonia turned into a little house.
Papa "Come in!" Sonia can open and close the sliding doors all by herself.

Mama "Come in!"
After taking a little break, on we went to see the capital or mostly the fountain next to it.
Soon a nice little family of ducks with mama, papa and many quite grown up ducklings joined us; Sonia fed them all of her gold fish.
Mama duck was cautious of Mischa but couldn't pass a treat like that ;-)

On the way back I let Mischa run off leash and he chased birds and squirrels right on the mall to the public's full delight and Jeremy's pure horror.


betsey said...

Such exciting adventures for your family! I can't believe you are in D.C. now! What a crazy few years this has been! Glad to hear that you are settling down for a little bit :)

Tamara said...

So much fun stuff to see! We had a great time when we visited DC a few years ago.

Heather said...

So Fun! Sonia is soo grown up and pretty!