Wednesday, December 31, 2008

big gorka

Jeremy wasn't sure about Sonia speeding down this slope at first... He tried slowing her down by jumping on top of the sled. Instead, he fell and rolled down the hill. Well, well Sonia just giggled and giggled. "Look at this bunny!" yelled a bystander mom. "She is going fast!"
My heart would also sink as I watched her sliding full speed. Was she going 20 or 30 mph or any faster? Will she collide with someone else? Is she going to hit a pole?
I have a great role model... my mom. Thinking about how my mom let me go down huge Ekat hill by UPI on a so-so skateboard when I was about the same age as Sonia is now, gave me strength ;-) I still remember that day!
Sonia had great time and never stopped making joyful noises as she headed down. I think she was the only baby on this slope so people must thought we were bad parents. She also laughed when I went down on her little sled. We even talked papa into trying it out.

No worries the sled is fine!


Jenny said...

The leather jacket is nothing short of stunning.

Jessica said...

I too am digging the leather jacket! All that snow is so pretty.