Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To eat or not to eat... is it a question?

At Tiny Friends Lindy found a crayfish.Kids were fascinated by it and it nicely blended into our theme of the day "Camping and painting rocks." We also made our own trail mix, Nummy! Then somehow or perhaps because we live next to Huntley Meadows, Lindy handed us this creature in the paper bag. Jeremy almost ate it right then thinking it was a bag of trail mix. It was half dead at that point.
When we came home, Jeremy remembered about him and I put poor creature in the bowl of cold water. Amazingly it came back to life.
Then we ran around Alexandria and found a huge mirror at Ross to hang above the fireplace. I love how all decorations turned out. Three little birds are Sonia's favorites.
We also put up all our pictures in the living room.
This picture is taken last Christmas. We just set up a tripod at Aspen Grove and took several shots with the mountains. The frames are from Aaron Brother's in LA, Ca. They have amazing sales twice a year.
Mom, I placed your birthday gift where it looks best with an oak stair case and you can easily see it going through our front door. Sonia always stops and looks at her great grandparents ;-)
After living in New York, I gain huge respect and appreciation for pot racks. They are space savers!!! It makes my kitchen so much more functional.
At night we went to find our crayfish a home in the near by creek. Sonia was super concerned throughout the day because papa kept making remarks such as, "Why don't we just cook him!" On the way there we saw a huge turtle under a rock. The sun was setting; there was magic in the air. And then we let our prisoner out. He quickly found a home under a rock and felt much more safe than in my salad bowl.


Valerie said...

Audrey loved the crawfish. Couldn't stop talking about it! She'll be relieved to know it was successfully relocated :)

Natalie R. said...

You guys have a really great place, it looks so nice! Isn't it fun getting settled in after being in transition for so long?? :0)