Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jewels of Washington DC

What about going on American adventure? All is possible when you've got a friend ;-) Audrey is five and she is legally registered for Stories in Art at the National Gallery of Art. Well, Sonia is not but she can easily pass for a very short four-year-old, right?
Today we visited a farm... The Cornell Farm by Edward hicks. Sonia listened well and raised her little hand when questions were asked. She even said that cows and horses were right there (meaning on the foreground). We looked at the painting from different angles. The story of it took us all the way back to 1848. These cows, pigs, sheep and horses were prize-winning animals at the Agricultural Society fair. Hicks painted each animal with its unique features... it is a heard of individual portraits!
Then we read Sally Goes to the Farm by Stephen Huneck. What a fun place to come and there is so much to learn! The story telling was also top of a line.
Making a barn where animals live and drawing next to Audrey is the best of all worlds.
Sonia is not four yet... but with me as her mother she gets to do all sorts of stuff. We even got her a passport and her first animal stamp today. At the end we'll get a prize!!! We just need to make two more trips this summer... we are going on adventure ;-)
We also saw some cool five-hundred-year old armor and knight regalia including an armor for seven year old Philip III of Imperial Spain. We even got to try some things on... silly, silly Valerie ;-)

but nothing can hurt you with this kind of outfit!


Heather said...

How fun to be in DC. What a great Mom you are exposing your Sonia to so many wonderful experiences. Sooo, when are you due? Boy or girl? You look so cute. Maybe you said in an earlier post. I need to read them more often!

Nadia said...

Hi Heather, I usually say my due time is the end of October. I don't do ultrasounds so I don't have a more precise date. We don't know if it is a boy or a girl until it is here. I really want another girl;-) I am making our baby a quilt and a bumper plus Sonia a quilt for her baby too! Thank you for stopping and commenting on our family blog ;-) I really enjoy reading yours! It is such a great way to keep in touch. I only wish you would post recipes ;-) of all things you make!

Natalie R. said...

That's so awesome, I love museums! Good job getting her into so many things at an early age. :0)