Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

These roses welcomed me home after the hospital stay last week and today in the morning we took a picture with three girls and a piano bench ;-) I decided most seriously to proceed with giving piano lessons, women in RS were so supportive that I have a prospective student, a little girl who lives nearby. I am so excited ;-)

About a week ago I was hospitalized once again for anxiety. A good news is that I am home now and I got to leave the hospital two days before the Mother's Day. Jeremy made my two days worth living over and over again ;-) I shall never forget this time.

My mom also flew in and helped with Sonia. Yesterday we went to walk across the Brooklyn bridge and we took a few photo shots. The views with upper Manhattan turned well because the sun was hitting it just right. Brooklyn Bridge walk is becoming a new tradition for our guests and visitors.

The Bridge runs into City Hall Park so we naturally stopped there. The fountain was on and Sonia wanted to fish out all little coins. They flashed like gold and silver in the water under the waining sun.

She stood silently gazing for the longest time and tried dipping her hands. Needless to say our Sonia didn't want to leave.

Jeremy sneakily picked her up, showed her the bigger portion of the running waters and then we tucked her into the stroller with a help of a cookie. There was no crying ;-) All was well.
I am moving on to the next post about today......


Emily said...

You make me want to make me live in New York! It looks like everything is well and you have a great little family!

Anonymous said...

Добрый день!Привет от Бойцовых Алексея и Аси, а так же от тёти Тани!Посмотрели ваши фотографии, выглядите просто замечательно!Скоро заведём себе здесь блог с фотографиями обязательно дадим вам ссылочку!Всего вам наилучшего!