Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Very early Saturday Morning

At 12:15 am I whimpered... "Jeremy, please pass a brown pillow!!" "What brown pillow?" I heard a sleepy reply. "We only have one brown pillow, a big one and I need it right NOW!It is on your side of the bed!"
We just got into the bed because that Friday I had about a million errands to run. Music class in the morning then Costco trip and a quick stop at the mall to get some much needed makeup. We ate our dinner around 10:30 pm and went to bed right after midnight. I thought to myself... the house is a mess, we are exhausted, I am glad the day is over.
After less than two hours of very hard work ;-) with lots of funny moments, fond moments and memories that will be treasured deeply in my journal... the baby slipped out in the water. I announced baby's arrival to Jeremy and Liz. They were rather surprised with such a quick finale.
Feodor was born in the caul and he surprised me... I was ready for a little girl but felt deep love for this little guy as soon as Liz (I held him and she had to check because I was a little scared ;) said he was a boy. His birth was an amazing experience for us. With no tears and with much stronger belief in Heavenly Father's guidance, my husband's love and confidence; trusting myself... I would go as far as to say, we just might have another baby some other day.
Just born. Our Feo ;-) all in pink... the other morning I asked Jeremy if it is okay to give away Sonia's 2T jammies. Jeremy seriously wondered why can't Feo wear them? They are jammies! I didn't know if he was joking but firmly replied "because they are 2T. How long can a boy wear pink?"
Next morning Sonia awoke to see her new baby brother. She has been suspecting that she will wake up one day and there he would be. She was right! We opened her baby Dear and played with our babies. She even has a mama made quilt for her ;-) I'll post all sewing projects soon
Papa and son look a lot a like... Feo has big nose and big wide-open eyes! He was born with great reflexes. Feo only shuts his eyes when there is a flash light ;-)
Sonia holding Feo for the first time and admiring her brother. Feo's first time wearing an outfit. Blue works well for them.These are my most favorite people in the world!!!!!


Andrea J said...

Congrats you guys! He is beautiful, I'm glad all went well.

Kathy said...

I have been checking in on your blog every so often. You have a beautiful family and your Feo is so handsome. Congratulations on a fast, safe, wonderful delivery! Enjoy your new little bundle...in whatever color he is wearing! :)

Valerie said...

So cute! Can't wait to see him tonight!!

Ashlee said...

Congratulations! Babies are truly miracles in every way! I hope everything is going well with transitioning to 2 children and a suprise BOY! How fun!

Em said...

Oh my! Congrats. For some reason I didn't realize the due date was so soon so this was a nice surprise. He is adorable- I'm glad he made it here safe and sound.

Emily said...

Wow, I didn't realize you were due so soon! Congrats to your whole family, he's beautiful!

betsey said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! Little Feo is a doll and I am so impressed and amazed by your strength, faith, and confidence in yourself, Nadia! WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I'm so happy for your little family and hope that someday, we can see little Feo in person.

All our love and prayers for your wonderful little family!

Ben and Mara Gardner said...

Congratulations!! We are so happy for you guys!

Natalie R. said...

CONGRATS!!!!! That is so exciting!!! I can't believe you guys have another baby, that is so fun! Be sure to put up more pictures once you get a chance (but I'll be patient - I know you have other things on your mind right now). ;0)

Jacy said...

Congratulations! You are such a strong, amazing woman. He is adorable. (I love that Jeremy is completely okay with pink jammies, by the way!) What fun to have a boy. A new life, a new adventure. Hope you're recovering quickly and enjoying your new little addition. Congrats again!

Kayt and Brian Bell said...

Congrats on the new baby boy! I hope you and Feo are doing great. There is no greater blessing in life than children. THey are all little miracles from heaven. I would love to send a little card if you would send your address please!

Susan said...

Congratulations! The family here in Utah is so excited for you! (If only we can get Grandpa Lamb to spell the name right...) Sonia looks all set to be a big sister!

Heather said...

Nadia and Jeremy,
We are so happy for you! He is adorable. I hope I get to see him someday. Thanks for the blog to keep us up to date with you and your beautiful children.