Saturday, October 24, 2009

One week flew by

It was fun having papa home for extra couple of days last week. Sonia loved papatime and I got much needed rest. Tuesday papa took us out to a playground. Feo's first time in the car seat. He loves when Sonia and I sing silly songs in the car. So far he is very patient with car rides. Here is Sonia in the car seat going on her first trip out of the house. She is four days old. On Wednesday we were on our own... we had some fall outs but we managed through the day and got full night of sleep with a couple feedings in between. I learned a lesson that even great planning can run into trouble with execution... when Feo was asleep by 2 pm, Sonia who always naps at that time refused to go down for a nap. She is back on her regular routine now and we all manage to get a nap during the day.

Thursday went by with a trip to the story time right around the corner and doing some clay... bumpy and smooth pumpkins and a scarecrow. Friday we ventured to the music class because Sonia was couped up and that put us right on the routine with nice nap during the day for everyone!!! We are also working on some greeting cards for grandmas and grandpas.
"Feo look at my painting!!" and he does look at her painting and at all she does. He loves watching Sonia dance around and play with him.A few things that make my day:
Sonia's cheerful "Good morning" to Feo starts our day on the happy note. She loves talking with her little brother, calling him "My Feo", singing to him in the car (her singing improved all of the sudden ;) and playing with him when he is awake.
Feo coos and talks. He doesn't cry when he is hungry; he just coos. Feo smiles when I kiss him on the cheek. He can turn his head from one side to another and his whole body fallows his head.


Tamara said...

Congratulations! You sure are adventurous with a new little one. Good luck with everything!

Natalie R. said...

That is so exciting, what a beautiful baby boy!! So I was trying to decide - do you pronounce his name "fay-oh" or "fee-oh"? I just don't want to be thinking it wrong when I read your blog. :0)

Nadia said...

We are saying "fee-oh" ;-) thank you, Natalie, for asking... I think bigger half of everyone we know can't figure out his name so far... well, I hope it works and if not, he can always go by Tedd.

Natalie R. said...

I thought it would be "fee-oh," but I always like to know for sure. I think it is such a cute name!! I like Tedd, too, but Feo suits him better. :0)