Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin carving

Last month we checked out lots and lots of books about Autumn, changing leaves, harvest time, pumpkins and Halloween. Sonia would say "Halloween comes we are going to carve our pumpkin". Last night was such a night.
Sonia and papa found a nice, happy and super easy pumpkin design then they went to work.
Pumpkin turned out to be super thick. It is a sweet pumkin that has lots of flesh. I am thrilled because we are going to make some yummy pies this Sunday!!! But for now it is a jackolantern; we come downstairs in the morning to look at it and light it up at night. Sonia and I are so excited about it!
That day Sonia made stars and spaghetti with play daugh. Sonia is such a good big sister. She loves talking to Feo about all she is doing. Feo's cord fell out that morning too... our big boy ;-)
He does play favorites... mama is his favorite for now ;-) Papa calls him "Mama's boy."

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

I love your pumpkin, it's a great design! We haven't actually carved ours yet, isn't that terrible?! It will be a post-halloween jack-o-lantern. ;0)