Saturday, April 11, 2009

Orem Easter Hunt

Last year I felt like Easter was unknown and unrecognized by most in NYC. In the grocery store while trying to find an Easter isle and asking an employee for help... I was disappointed to find out only unleavened bread and some other Passover, super kosher items.

This year we are in the heaven of Easter celebration or Orem, Utah where bunnies, candies, chicks and all other Easter characters are safely sold in most places.

Did I spend a little too much because of ease and convenience? Perhaps, but who knows where the next Easter awaits us.

Our early morn we raced to the Mountain View High and rushed to find East lawn where 0 to 3 were to hunt for the eggs.
It rained. Papa dropped us off and went to find parking. Some people were waiting more than thirty minutes even with babies in their arms. We got there about thirty second before it all started.
Then everyone went on the hunt and in about another thirty seconds the field was cleared up.
Here is Sonia's catch. She picked up everything that is in the basket all by her little self; there was no cheating at all.
It took her a few seconds to figure out what was going on but she did a great job. Sonia got a coveted by many three year olds egg with a potential prize in it, lots of candy and an envelope with great coupons. Then papa came and we told him how the hunt went. It kept on raining and raining.
At home we colored some Easter eggs. Jeremy said it was an exercise of patience.
Sonia had to learn that first you put the eggs into an egg bucket then you've got to wait, wait and wait.
Jeremy and I thought it was the most fun we've ever had... Only instead of getting vinegar, I accidentally bought some nice cooking wine; the bottle looked exactly the same and was next to all the vinegars on the shelf!! It didn't do much for the eggs ;-)It is amazing how much fun coloring eggs can be with a two year old! Right after we put them in the basket, Sonia had to eat her egg.
Jeremy said "I think this is the quickest I have ever eaten my eggs after coloring them!"

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