Saturday, March 22, 2008

Busy Bunny Saturday

In the morning I found myself running up and down Flatbush Ave. trying to find Easter balloons. I was also thinking out loud rather non-flattering thoughts about life in New York. No balloons within four blocks since most shops were closed but everything else worked out just wonderfully. I got home and turned our living room into a Bunny land while Sonia and Jeremy hid patiently in the bedroom. We had bunny tracks leading to the big bunny. Sonia was so excited when she saw them. We had lots of eggs with little surprises and dark chocolates. A little wind-up truck, a book with two hundred stickers and a bath-time crayon amused our little one. Jeremy and Sonia discovered the art of drawing in the bath tub while I was busy in the kitchen. This is Sonia's first time holding a crayon. Jeremy loved his major shopping cart estravaganza gift that I acquired at the neighborhood hardware store. Every man commented on it on my way home. They thought I got the best one ;-) We feasted upon French toast with strawberries and bananas then went to the park on Underhill. Sonia didn't really want to share her eggy sidewalk chalks with anyone. She is usually so good at sharing but this was a new toy and she wanted to keep it to herself. Sonia got tired from all the fun and went to bed (she often takes her naps in the stroller, known here as a buggy or a carriage). We were on our way to Costco.

Can you imagine a trip to Costco without a car? Neither could I six months ago. That is why we used our new shopping cart to its full advantage one may say, it can only hold up to 250 lb. Jeremy said it passed the test with flour, wipes, oats and lots of other stuff. He got it up and down the subway steps, way too many steps. I took pictures for our kids. Dad is a tough guy! NO kidding...I am amazed at how strong Jeremy is. Later he told me it was like rowing excises. I kept laughing, it is a true New York experience that is not going to last too long, I hope. We'll have to get a car one day. "Maybe," says Jeremy ;-)

I made a dinner with tasty green salad and homemade blue cheese, scallops and broiled halibut. Then we ventured out to the Botanic Garden. The spring is here! We spotted first blooms of narcissus, crocuses, tulips, Korean somthings, Jasmine and many others.
This is our back yard. We love it and are anxiously awaiting our first cherry blooms. Jeremy saw the first buds on the cherry trees. May be next weekend?


Natalie R. said...

How fun! I love all the pictures, it looks like you guys had a very fun and busy day! :0)

Jenny said...

i for one am never surprised at jeremys strength. he was offensive player of the game after all.