Friday, April 24, 2009

Edgemont Extravaganza

The local elementary school raises money each year with fun activities and much to do even for a toddler. First Sonia had to ride a pony in a chariot.
She couldn't even wait until I got her tickets. She is still a bit afraid to ride in a saddle so a carriage ride was perfect.
Then we headed for some tumbling, sliding and jumping.
It took Sonia a couple times to figure out what to do and how to climb up. She learned how to climb stairs pretty quickly.
I went along with her through all the barriers and tumbles.
Watch out we are coming down! This slide was fast; we ended up on the ground.
After we went up and down a dozen times, Jeremy took over. It is good to have papa who doesn't get tired so quickly!
Jeremy did a better job at letting her go off all by herself.
But he was also good at watching that no other kids slide down on top of her. One two-year-old girl was hit by a much bigger kids while we were there. So these things do need some supervision. Sonia had so much fun with Kenai and got super tired.
Sonia also got her first cotton candy therefore a well needed new word "candy" was successfully reinforced in her mind. Now she asks if there will be any candy even when we drive to a canyon ;-)

1 comment:

Tamara said...

what a fun day!