Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring, friends, flowers, hair, dogs, firetrucks and balls

Jeremy's Congressional baseball games started. We love seeing him at work. Last time we came he did an amazing job! We tried planing some herbs. Started with seeds
Sonia loved doing filling up little pots
Just playing in the backyard with Alyssa.

Spring has brought us blossoms; flowers rushed through our bedroom window one morning. It was a beautiful sight. I opened the window and fresh air filled the room ;-)

Sonia has long hair... she hasn't had yet her first hair cut. Doing hair is part of our morning.Climbing and taking pictures. I just love this shot. Red bush and RED hair do right next to our home. Sunglasses are also worn in style.

Feo is tasting Mischa's tail. It is just long enough to put it in his mouth.What did Mischa do? Just laid there... yep he's got two kids in the house. Just two. So far so good; Feo is not walking. He is good for hugs.Holding hands.Playing ball.Speaking Russkij with friends and making new friends. Sonia is good at spelling po-russki too;-) Thanks to Babulya for Montessori Bukvu!


Emily said...

I love the pictures in the bedroom with the window open! They are such sweeties. I also love the one of them holding hands. What a special relationship!

Nadia said...

thanks, Emily. It was so nice to meet your family at Gateway... I feel so at loss for not taking any pictures that night. I just was sort of cold, tired and not thinking all together that nihgt! We loved getting together and wish had more time to do things.

Natalie R. said...

I swear, your kids get cuter every time you post! I can't believe Feo is almost a year old now, time is going by so fast!! How did Jeremy's baseball game go? I love the new picture at the top of your blog, too! :0)