Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Feo's blessing and Utah

Feo was blessed in Jeremy's grandparents home and I failed to take pictures that day. Babulya had her camera and thanks to her we have a few shots of the day. I am so very grateful for everyone who came and supported us. We had a full house and I guess I was too busy visiting therefore there is a lack of pictures on my part. Jeremy felt the support and we are very grateful for everyone making it to Feo's blessing!
We stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Lamb, went to church with them, rolled down the hill in the back yard few times and enjoyed spending a week... and I have no pictures... I can't believe it! We just didn't have enough time!
Sonia and Feo played with Babulya at her home while Jeremy and I went out on dates. We were all by our little selves for the first time in six months. Almost spooky ;-) We visited our fave Indian place in SLC, admired mountain peaks and the valley views of the Great Salt Lake Valley, walked on BYU campus and had really good time as just two of us. Trying some fur hats and at Thanksgiving Point.Cowboy hats only for really cool guys. Sonia picked the tallest pony first.
Then she rode the smallest one.
We also drove down to St. George and visited Gigi Wilder. Feo met Gigi for the first time and Sonia loved playing, reading books and sitting on her lap again! They counted the ducks together on back porch and one on front of Gigi's home. We spent a lovely day at a playground, had a pizza, then we had to drive back. We miss you, Gigi! On the way back we took naps... but we did make it there and back in just one day. The longest we have ever been driving in the car with two childs, as Sonia would say.

All in all it was a good trip with seeing friends and visiting family... with lots of driving and huge snow storm. We hope to make it back to Utah again.


Tamara said...

We love going to Thanksgiving Point whenever we visit Utah. Fun place! Sounds like you had a great trip!

Natalie R. said...

How exciting to be able to see so many friends and family members. I'm glad the blessing went well and that you had such a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Nadya! Be happy! Many wishes to you and your family.

Your sister Antonina

Nadia said...

Thanks Tonya!!! Tak horosho sto tyu manya posdravila!!!!! Spasibo i nadeyus u tebya vse horosho!

Susan said...

Oh! Happy Birthday!

We had so much fun with you guys visiting! Especially the fabric shopping... have you had a chance to start on your quilt yet?

Come again soon! I can't believe none of us took any pictures, we will have to do better next time!