Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine

Valentines should be more than a day: perhaps a week, a month or how about a life ? ;-) Jeremy's thoughtfulness touched my heart. Yesterday I was busy making dinner when I saw him walking through the snow with a giant red rose ;-) and Russian long stem cut roses. A huge rose balloon followed Jeremy into the house... Feo gazed at his father and a balloon with admiration for all things new. Jeremy assured him that little Feo's time will come and he will get a balloon for his sweetheart some day... We went to a library to see a puppeteer with a shoe fly and her friend, sock... Last three logs... we couldn't find any more wood at any store last week


Natalie R. said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I'm glad Jeremy is taking such good care of you. :0)

Heather said...

Good man!

Mike and Chels said...

Aren't husbands the best? We were going to try to get out to DC sometime, maybe after the baby is born so we could visit you guys and see Eric. But its still a work in progress. I read that all the Cherry Blossoms got killed by the cold. Sad. Thats one of the main things I want to come out and see someday. Feo is looking so big! I can't believe how fast time flys! I hope you guys are doing well!

Rebecca said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Delaney loved seeing pictures of Sonia.

Jen said...

My cousin Rebecca white just showed me your blog, It is great to see what you are up to. I didn't now you had a second baby, your kids are beautiful.