Saturday, February 6, 2010


Love the snow... missed it whole time we lived in Southern Cali. In my perfect Heaven there will be snow and thunder storms ;-) Heavy snow quiets the noise making everything clean and white. Even dirty Mischa who can't be washed since it is too cold to hose him outside, got his snow bath today.
Sonia found her sun hat and matching trousers and refused to put on much more. I suggested she would venture in the snow so she added one shoe to her outfit. She went out ;-) I love that she will have a picture of herself "doing something hard" and braving one of the all times three heavy snow falls in DC area.
Jeremy went to feed the birds, then shoveled the thigh-deep snow. We huddled together and enjoyed being stuck under one roof. Naps, balloon fight, hot chocolate and memories that can't be tarnished away.
Last week:
We celebrated Jeremy's birthday with Gershwin at the National Art Museum and NYC Opera. It was a free performance during lunch time where Sonia and Feo could come with us. Then we had a surprise party with good friends, dinner and a yummy torte.
We played with clay and Sonia made a butterfly. Sonia wanted to hols it and play with it. I told her about the clay and that we would need a very hot fire to make it stronger. She asked for fire... I told her her Babulya used to have an oven with that kind of fire but I don't. So the butterfly didn't last.
My two darlings on the stairway at home.Sonia and her bunny.
After a long day at work resting by the fire
Making an apple pie for dinner.
Hard working pin and hands


Valerie said...

Mmm.. that torte was SOOO good! Thanks for bringing over some more. I think I could eat it every day and never get tired of it!

Emily said...

I love her in the snow in her underwear! So funny. You are always doing such fun things with your kids, you're such a good mom.

Happy late birthday to Jeremy!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Natalie R. said...

Happy Birthday, Jeremy! I love snow when I can just stay home and enjoy it! I feel bad because I haven't taken Samuel out in our most recent snow yet. I'll have to mend that later today. :0)