Thursday, September 17, 2009

Learning as we go

At the Sherwood library yesterday Sonia used scissors for the first time.She held them to the end and didn't want to give them back to the teacher... so we had to stop at Walmart on the way back ;-) After story time we also went into a children's reading room and Sonia ran circles on the alphabet carpet for about forty minutes. Hopping like a frog around,She would stop, name letters on the carpet and words.At the end she could name them all in the very silly song ;-) She couldn't figure out what Yo yo was so we've got to find one. Another mom came in with a three-year-old and Sonia told her about all the letters and words in the reverse order... Sonia sort of read them right of the carpet ;-) I have to say as much as I wanted to get going... I did feel just a little proud. All this running, hopping like a frog and singing turned rather educational ;-)
Today we hosted our weekly play group with Alyssa and Clair so we put our new art supplies to good use. The theme of the day was colors: we read books, did rhymes and sang songs then I let girls choose two colors of paper. Sonia wanted pink and yellow, Clair chose black and white and Alyssa just wanted purple so I added light pink to hers.
Then all chose their little animals to glue in the middle of the page and the work began. Cutting with scissors, squeezing glue, pealing off stickers might seem easy but for the girls it was hard work ;-) and lots of fun. Sonia said her pink flamingo is eating a crab ;-)

Sonia actually cut out all little pieces by herself, placed them on with lots and lots of glue then added some stickers. I can't believe she can do it all! Children grow rather slow, at times they seem not (unlike puppies; Mischa was potty trained at an age of four months) but they surely grow in most amazing ways. What a joy it was watching these little girls today!

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