Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

We had a rough weekend. I had a fever that went up to 104.3. But we had fun too...

For Father's Day we had monk fish that taste as well as a lobster with home made biscuits (my special recipe) and farmer's market salad. It was a hit. I don't know who ate more fish, Jeremy or Sonia.

I also got something that Jeremy could have never guessed. A cool set of shoe polish in the unique wooden box and real sea monsters. I didn't think they were real, I thought they were plastic. The box said Smithsonian. Jeremy got so excited when he saw it. He proclaimed, "They are real." I looked closely and realized what it said on the box...

Hatch and Grow Amazing Triops. Triops 1 week. Triops 4 weeks. Watch Living Fossils from the Dinosaur Age Grow before you eyes.
Needless to say I lost all my words.

Here is Jeremy reading instructions very carefully.
Assembling our soon to be triops.
Sonia feels also deeply involved.
Right now they are on my kitchen window for close observation. They need extra light and I am hoping they won't escape because there are no lid on the top. If they do escape, I hope they like roaches.
I will post the picture of the creatures as soon as they hatch.
Sonia also made us laugh when she crawled into her dolly stroller and wanted a ride in it. It was so funny. She was super cautious and serious the whole way.


jeremiahrjones said...

Hope you're in the pink now.

Ben and Mara Gardner said...

Hey Nadia, I didn't know how else to contact you except through this blog. So anyway, we are sooo sorry we didn't call you in New York. We actually tried but we had your old number so we tried finding your new phone number but didn't have any luck. We even called Dave to see if he had it. We really wanted to get together with you guys. Next time I guess. I hope things are going well with you guys. It has been fun reading your blog and keeping up with how quickly your little girl is growing up!

jeremiahrjones said...


Не дашь мне, пожалуйсто, адресс твоеи мамы?


- Джонз
