Friday, March 14, 2008

who cooks in this house?

So here we are.... Jeremy is at work and I have writing to do. I love to write and have been missing it for a whole YEAR. Yep, that was my job then and now it is my hobby.
I just finished reading Betsey's friend's post (MormonMommyWars) about cooking fiascoes.... and decided to share my own.
Once before I was married and lived with a family in Arizona for the summer, I was cooking oats or something of a kind for breakfast. There were five children and three adults so I choose the best looking pot. I put it on the stove and in about a minute it exploded with water, oats and glass flying in all directions. Later I was told that it was one of those made of glass for baking purposes only ;-( Who knew?!?
When I was first learning how to make chocolate chip cookies at the Nally's house in Highland, I kept on missing one or the other ingredient. It was not funny. Cookies would come out flat, tasteless and the only good thing was that Kay Nally could always tell me what I missed. There came time when I had to stop making so many b/c even Dad wouldn't eat them. Practice makes perfect ;-)
I decided to make brunch for Jeremy when we were still dating. It was my first time cooking for him. In that stage of our life, Jeremy had to figure out the food even when it required "borrowing" something from roommates ;-) I was way too poor..... So all I had was some pancake mix left that was a Christmas gift from my best friend Marla. It only required water!!!!!!!!! I mixed it up and put it in the pan..... and burned everything. It was horrible. I really wanted to impress him. Jeremy ate it and wouldn't have said anything at all if I didn't bring up the subject. So when we married he really had no idea I could cook. He still says it was one of the extra bonuses. What a great man he is!
This year I was a bit tired when Jeremy's birthday came around. It is our tradition to have something special homemade on this occasion. Jeremy asked for crapes. I am usually so good at making those but we just moved and the stove here is so old that.... I ended up with four half-way done crapes and a whole bunch of smoke in the house (thankfully we have no smoke detectors here ;). Then I remembered about a can of crab meat and decided not everything was lost. A week earlier I found this wonderful can in Costco. I got it out of the cupboard and after making all other preparations, opened it. It smelled terrible. I couldn't believe it so I tried it. I still refused my senses and went into the living room to ask Jeremy. He was more than certain it went bad without me even saying a word. I almost cried and saw fine print on the can saying "keep refrigerated." Who keeps cans in the fridge? We ended up eating Costco-made wholewheat raviolis with canned souse out of the cupboard. It was a fine day. I hope you have some good stories to share....
Last year creation of a cake. Jeremy is well known for saying "Not sharing!"

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