Thursday, December 3, 2009

Geese are getting fat ;-)

It is a busy time of a year... we have been trying to catch naps, get ready for Christmas and still have enough energy to keep up with everyday things.
Christmas shopping with Jeremy at Target didn't do much and I need to go back there next week... But Sonia got lots of things done...All animals are napping ;-) More of them and some more. Then she puts them all back on shelves.
Bounce, bounce squeak!
There is a mouse in the house
"It's been there for a week" goes Sonia's favorite nursery rhyme she tells Feo every morning.
Kisses follow ;-)The winter is finally arrived at our door steps with frost and snow, not enough to make a snowman. We used white clay.
Last night Jeremy happened to be color coordinated with Sonia and Feo... this doesn't happen all the time ;-) To go to Costco Jeremy takes subway from work and we meet him there.
We love our little Feo. Last night at the mall someone exclaimed: "Oh, what a cute Mohawk he has!" When I said it is his natural hairdo, a lady laughed in disbelieve. Well, I suppose we are just cool ;-)

1 comment:

Andrea J said...

He's a beautiful little baby