Friday, December 4, 2009

Tree lighting at Gathrights

Thank you, Valerie and Graton, for having us over at your party... we were so lucky to come!!! Christmas lights, Frosty, Rudolf and Santa plus great food!We picked up papa at the train station and headed right over skipping dinner all together.
Sonia was brave this year. She sat on Santa's lap and told him all she wants for Christmas. She wants musical bells... I hope Santa can find them ;-) there is still time. I am sure he has some at the North Pole. Santa gave Sonia a candy cane... that inspired Audrey to come tell Santa what she wants too. We saw a tree light up and Allysa with Sonia stood right next to it gazing at a huge tree. You can't see the top when you stand right under the tree ;-)What a cute little guy I next to me ;-)
Feo's first Christmas is coming up and I can't believe he is here. Just a year ago we were a family of three.
and just one more picture.
We also rode in a traditional carriage pulled by Belgian draft horses. And not just any Belgian horses, Wolley was a horse that delivered a Christmas tree to a White House this year! We had to ride twice and if it was up to Sonia, we would have gone two more dozen times ;-)
Getting in.
All snuggled in the carriage.
Our ride was smooth in the replica of the 19th century carriage; it would be nice to travel great distance with friends in something like it.Best of all we spent a delightful night with our dear friends! Thanks guys!


Cherali said...

Such fun activities! I hadn't heard about Feo yet, what a cute name for a lovely baby. Could you email me your mailing address so I can send a christmas card your way?

Valerie said...

We had so much coming! Thanks for coming!!