Sunday, May 23, 2010

Feo's teeth

Today Feo had two more teeth come out. He proudly uses his all four teeth: two on hte bottom and two on top. He eats numerous foods and makes most people anxious on the question of choking... I have not seen him choke yet but he probably came close to it many times. His lists of foods includes most anything with just some exceptions like no baby food on spoon of any kind. But he likes smoothies with his baby spoon as long as it is not out of a baby jar. Who knew babies didn't like baby jars.Getting dirty and washing everything off
Why not eating
Yep Feo knows what he likes and what he doesn't and trust his papa... Feo is not hesitant to let you know all about it. Today while I was visiting teaching, Jeremy took kids on the quick peek outside with Mischa... Feo thought it was way too quick so they had to gear up and go on for a longer walk. He also is in favor of going to bed early and will get everyone in family to beds on time.
Friday "Property of mom shirt"
Best of Sonia sayings:

Papa: "I am going to grill some burgers."
Sonia: "We don't eat boogers!"
Papa: "Burgers!!"
Sonia walks into kitchen: "Mama, papa is grilling boogers for dinner!"
Last week on the side of the rode we saw a meer of blumes... my heart stopped beating and i had to snap these
Trying bikes


Natalie R. said...

He seems like such a happy little guy, I can't wait to meet him someday. :0)

Valerie said...

The pics in the flowers are breathtaking!