Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thanks for coming and having fun with us!!!!

Two wonderful days flew by with friends coming and visiting from Florida, Utah and even London ;-) We had sucha great time! I am still amazed at how we could find a place to sleep for everyone ;-)
Alan, Amy and Avery are moving from Florida to Utah and driving across the country so they stopped by our place on Monday; Debbie couldn't miss a party and flew in all the way from Phoenix; then Chelsey joined us last night on her way back from London.
Elder Sackett got special permission to visit with his family and friends for an hour. He didn't break any rules! What a lucky missionary and even more so his mom, Debbie!
We went to Subway and enjoyed company of two great missionaries almost off duty ;-)
Sonia and I made it to the National Museum of Art story time and learned about New York by George Bellows. I feel good because Sonia knows words like foreground and background ;-) She also loved watching a painter making copy of the painting... way fun! Then with oil pastels Sonia created this piece of art called "Red Bush" ;-)
We ventured out to a Space Museum. Somehow I felt a hint of cold war winds passing me by. Sonia had fun with Amy at the Wright brothers exhibit. From Debbie Sonia learned that rockets go up in space and missiles blow up. Last night we enjoined one of the most touristy activities Washington DC has to offer... visiting the memorials. Here we are at the new WWII with a fountain and lights.Note: Alan and Amy have been saying "Show your teeth" to Avery to get her to smile. Sonia thought that she should join and so she did... that is the way we brush at night. What a silly little goose ;-)


Sackett's said...

You are so fast at getting stuff up! I'm like the worst blogger ever. haha but I'm working on it! How fun to see pictures of everyone (esp Eric). That is so great!! And it looks like you're having such a great time in DC!

Natalie R. said...

It's nice to have visitors, and seems like you got to do a lot with them!