Friday, January 23, 2009

we are into....

Sonia is really into reading books. By now she knows there are two kinds of books: some read by papa and mama and some by mama only. However the other day I caught Jeremy reading to Sonia "Telefon" and Sonia just absolutely loved it. She was hurrying him up a bit and in Russian talking about the pictures because she knew the story way too well.
Then there is a play dough.
It is huge right now.
We would take it with us wherever we go if we could.
While I was at my organ class last night, Jeremy couldn't quickly locate the dough. Sonia was deeply disappointed; with a 22 month old it looks like a huge fit accompanied by a deep cry "dough, dough, dough."
I can simply imagine Jeremy racing through the apartment and thinking "Honey, I know what you want; I just can not find it!!!!! Where can a person keep this dough!!! And where is your mother!!!" It was on the kitchen counter hidden away or we would spend our days, perhaps even life playing with it.
Then there is music and our Music Together class. Sonia loves dancing and she has an excellent ear, from her father or most likely Nana. Sonia can sing some parts of songs and also tonals even in class. Ms. Meika stopped in her tracks the other day when she heard Sonia repeat tonal patters right after her.

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