Monday, January 19, 2009

An American... wait, it is a Utah thing

What does it entail to be an American? I was pondering this question a bit yesterday after one of the finest ladies (with about five kids looking still pretty good) in our new ward announced her thoughts on my origins. She even had to ask my husband even after I told her where I was born and brought up. That was her lovely way of introduction.

That is the funniest part of living in Utah. People here are still trying to figure out who they are and they label new comers accordingly. I ran into that before and to my chagrin sometimes I just don't really know what to say...
Here is a snap shop of our outing on the way to WallMart last week. By the way is shopping at WalMart an American thing? It all probably depends... In Utah it is most definitely is, in New York they hate WalMart.
Let's see going deeper into a discussion what it means to be an American to me.... first and foremost saying to my mom... I love you and I am proud that you can make such a change in your life and call this land of divided views your home.
My little LA-born Sonia is holding a baby in the purse that her aunt Heather gave her for Christmas. Is Christmas an American thing? Wait, Christ doesn't really have a nationality, right or is he Jewish? What does it mean to be Jewish again (is it a faith, line of blood determined by mother or nationality) and one can go on and on.
In our family we stop at Orem WalMart and fill out our carts with Chinese made stuff... wait those oranges are from California and we love it!!


Emily said...

I don't necessarily know what it means to be an American, but if loving Wal-Mart is a Utah thing, I never want to leave! I don't actually love going there, but I can't resist their lower prices. I used to shop at Smith's and my grocery bill was more than double what it is now, thanks to Wal-Mart!

Sorry about insensitive people at church.

Unknown said...

IMHO, I think being American is loving the United States of America and what it represents (Freedom).

Unknown said...

BTW, was your stuff in the fire or is all okay???

(I'm signed in as Cameron, but this is Natalie) ;0)