Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not a petting zoo

Educational... yes with lots of fun for all ages. Thanksgiving point welcomed us with a great price per person $3.50 and it included pony and tractor rides. Payton enjoyed milking a cow while Sonia and I watched. By the way, if you happen to be there at 5 pm, you'll get to watch a real cow being milked. Our visit was a bit early so we explored the process of bottling the milk in plastic jags.
In Brooklyn I used to buy milk in glass bottles for Sonia... Ronny Brook. That seemed much better milk and even non fat milk tasted great. In Utah we stick to one percent only. A goat was put back into a corral while papa and Sonia watched and posed for the shot.

If you ever wonder why it is so hard to pet animals there... well we have been told it is not a petting zoo, it is a real farm. They've got different regulations. But who can prevent coming close to a goat when there is hole?
Or if you are so handsome that lamas find you absolutely irresistible?
Plus temptation of food brings everyone a bit closer.
There is something really good in this bag, thought the goat.Sonia's fascination with birds took her to a turkey pen. First she fed them right off her hand. Jeremy kept wondering how long that was going to last before an accident. Turkeys are not exactly careful creatures. Eventually Sonia got pecked but she didn't whine. She started throwing food right into the cages.
Sonia got to ride a pony for the first time. She made one circle with mama at her side clinging way too much.
The farm caretaker decided to help Sonia learn the proper way of riding. Sonia made another circle pretty much all by herself but with so much whining
that the pony was glad to have it all over and done with. Sonia then didn't want to leave. She stood and gazed at horses making their circles and giving rides to other kids. She went back to pet a pony but didn't want to try riding again.
Soon Payton and I froze so we went to warm up while Jeremy and Sonia stayed outside and played untill it was time to go.


Emily said...

When we lived in Draper I had a membership to Thanksgiving Point. For one person for a year it was like $50 and this was before my kids were 3, so they were free. I took them to that "petting zoo" at least once a week, sometimes more. When it warms up, don't miss the gardens, especially the tulip festival and children's discovery garden. TP is my favorite place in Utah.

betsey said...

I love all your adventures. They look like so much fun!