Friday, October 3, 2008

Manhattan Children's Museum

The cost is $30 and Jeremy has vetoed our trip many times. I once declared that we must visit Children's Museum in Manhattan before leaving NY City. Today Jeremy decided to look up a free night. It turned out it was a free Target night so we went.

If you've never been to a children's museum like this one (I haven't) and you wonder what it's like... the theme was ancient Greece for the older kids and New York with its Upper, Lower and many other parts of the city for the little ones.
Sonia was playing, running and exploring nonstop. She went from one thing straight to another. First area of her exploration was fun glowing pegs. She sorted them out by color.
A work table with plates, pots and pans. Sonia spent a good amount of time measuring out sand from a small cup to a pot.
Her hand is strong and she is very precise in her action. No spills! She filled up her pot many times before going to a next thing.
Ball throwing.
Climbing a talking dragon. Jeremy wanted to help Sonia up where older children took their photos. I made a new rule. Let Sonia achieve goals on her own. Even if it takes time, is a bit frustrating and is a trivial act of climbing a silly dragon.
Sonia couldn't get on top. After many tries, she was getting rather impatient about it. She didn't stop trying and made it this far. Dragon's tail was a victory!
Sonia's most favorite part became the Manhattan Upper West side with the kitchen her size and fun scale. First she gathered all the food items and put them on shelves.
Then she seated her mama and papa at a little table, gave mama and herself yellow plates and made a dinner.
Sonia used a chalk board for the first time. She liked erasing better than drawing. Probably because she has never done it before. She rode a Dr. Seuss train, not knowing what it was since I haven't read it to her.

She had a blast with this interactive jazz choir. The birds and giraffe each sing its own melody when a child pushes on them. The birds sing rather low and a giraffe sings surprisingly very high.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love the look on her face at the pegboard (3rd picture from the top). She looks so serious! She is so cute. You guys are very fun parents.